![Working Papers Volume - 15th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society, CATES2020, 27-28 noiembrie 2020, Iasi, Romania & online worldwide 1 Editura Stiintifica Lumen Publica carte online Publica cartea ta la Editura Stiintifica Lumen Cover EDUCATES2020 LUMEN A5 WP 1](https://edituralumen.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Cover-EDUCATES2020_LUMEN_A5_WP-1-270x340.jpg)
Working Papers Volume – 15th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society, CATES2020, 27-28 noiembrie 2020, Iasi, Romania & online worldwide
Director: Antonio SANDU
LUMEN – Copyright © 2018 – Colecția CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS
FORMAT: Tipărit PAGINI: 115 LIMBA: Engleza
CUMPĂRĂ PRIN: Edituralumen.ro
Scopul LUMEN CATES 2020 se concentrează pe rolul acțiunii comunicative într-o societate etică, abordată într-o manieră transdisciplinară. Noi abordări teoretice, provocările etice actuale ale societății actuale, convergente cu practicile profesionale cotidiene și alte subiecte valoroase vor fi abordate pe parcursul a 3 zile de conferință, ținând cont de necesitatea unei redimensionări etice a acțiunii sociale.
Domenii de interes:
- Sociologie, comunicare, asistenta sociala, antropologie
- Filosofie aplicata, etica, etica aplicata, bioetica, istorie, studii religioase, lingvistica, arta, arhitectura
- Psihologie, stiintele educatiei, sport
- Politologie, studii europene, relatii internationale
- Drept public, drept privat
- Management, marketing, economie
- Sanatate publica, stiinte socio-umane in domeniul medical
1. Rehabilitation and its Effects on Two Cases of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
2. Young Couple – New Functional Orientations
3. The Economic Growth Perspective Falling Stock Market in Bangladesh
Saiful BARI
4. The Training of Intellectual Work Techniques, an Interdisciplinary Approaches
Viorica-Torii CACIUC
5. In the trace of Gerardo Mello Mourão: the Intergeneric Hybridism and the Formation of Epiliric Poetry in Contemporary Brazilian Literature
Junior César Ferreira de CASTRO
6. Resetting Education and Training for the Information Society
Felicia CEAUŞU
7. Management of the Passenger Transport System for Bucharest and the Metropolitan Area
Constantina CHIRIAC, Valeriu Stelian NIŢOI, Marius GÎRTAN
8. Political Discourse and the Aim for Common Ground
Horia Costin CHIRIAC
9. Computer Assisted Analysis in Literature Review. Application in the Study of Deviance
10. Critique of Pandemic Discourse
11. Logike – Logos (λογική – λόγος) and Jus Dicere. A Philosophical Outline for a Juridical Logic
12. C-tin Rădulescu Motru on Vocational and Energetic Personality
13. The Image of the Industry in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Anisoara – Ionela DIACONU, Stefan – Valeriu IVAN
14. Former European Commissioners as Presidents or Prime-Ministers: the Promise of Competent Governance
Lucian Dumitru DÎRDALĂ
15. Conceptual Intersections between Modernism and Metamodernism
16. An Approach to the Tutorial Group Discussion
Marian-Alin DUDOI, Elena-Sidonia DUDOI, Marin DUDOI
17. From Secularization to Desecularization of the World. Current Theses and Trends
Ioan DURA, Ştefan LAZĂR, Petre Jan PANDELE
18. Religious Fundamentalism and the Trend of Terrorist Attacks According to the European Union. Terrorism Situation and Trend Reports (2017-2020)
19. Religious Tolerance. Landmark in Interreligious and Social Relations
Ion Constantin ENE, Andrei HERA, Ion Cosmin PANĂ
20. The Transition to the Condition of the Secular: Structural (Institutional) Separation and Trans-Value (Ideological) Separation between Religion and Society
Ion Constantin ENE, Andrei HERA, Ion Cosmin PANĂ
21. Ethics Approach in Information Literacy
Agnes Terezia ERICH
22. Constitutive and Operational Values in Organizational Development
Ana FRUNZĂ, Antonio SANDU, Alexandra HUIDU
23. Social Factors Influencing the Acquisition of the Romanian Language by Students Belonging to a Local Community Hungarian Minority
Anikó Erzsébet FÜGEDY, Gavril FLORA
24. New Mentalities in the Romanian Society
Cristina FURTUNĂ
25. The Role of Donations in Financing Extreme Risk Events
Ionela-Daniela GĂITAN (BOTEZATU)
26. The Influence of the Moderator Role of the Work Locus of Control on the Development of Organizational Behaviors – Intervention Through a “Self-Help” Narrative Communication Model
27. The Anxiety of Authorship
28. The First Female “Pioneers” Graduate in the Brazilian Naval Academy: Goodbye my Dear School!
Hercules Guimarães HONORATO
29. Sustainability, as a Source of Environmental Law
Maria-Luiza HRESTIC, Constantin POPESCU
30. Social Construction of Reality and Social Acceptability
Alexandra HUIDU
31. Meditation and Hesychasm – a Transdisciplinary Approach
Adrian-Neculai LĂCĂTUŞ
32. Climate of Work and Occupational Stress within Organizations
Simona MINA
33. Employment Landscape for Romanian Recent Graduates
Cristina MOCANU, Ana-Maria ZAMFIR
34. The Concept of Habitus – Towards a Comprehensive Sociological Theory of Career Choice
35. Philosophical Aspects in the Virgil Gheorghiu’s Literary Work
Iuliu-Marius MORARIU
36. Why Nevertheless the Practice is the Criterium of Truth in Mathematics?
Aslanbek NAZIEV
37. A Sociological Approach to Stories from the Medical Field
Cătălina NECULAU
38. The Dynamics of the Lexis in the Context of Epidemics
39. Interference with the Right to Free Speech
Gabriela NEŢMOI
40. Impact of Social Media Use on Political Knowledge of Youth in Serbia
41. The Role of Multinational Corporation in the European Union
42. Work Motivation Efficiency in the Workplace
43. The Teacher’s Moral “Luck”
44. Fear of Death as the Foundation of Modern Political Philosophy and its Overcoming by Transhumanism
Matías QUER
45. Public Perception on the Importance of Ethics Counseling and the Role of Ethics Counselor in Public Organizations
Antonio SANDU
46. Dark Triad vs. Light Triad of Personality. The Role of Guilt and Shame Proneness
Dan Florin STĂNESCU, Marius Constantin ROMAŞCANU
47. A Philosophical Discourse on a Biblical Parable
48. The Music Discourse
Irina Antoaneta TĂNĂSESCU, Petru STRATULAT
49. Supervision of Human Resources in Social Work Services
Elena UNGURU, Antonio SANDU
50. Metropolitan Simion Ştefan –Humanist Scholar, Translator and Innovator of the Romanian Literary Language
Mariana VÂRLAN, Florin VÂRLAN
51. Adult Learning Methods in Health Education Institutions
Cristina VIRAG-IORGA, Cristian-Silviu BĂNACU
52. Towards an Interdisciplinary Perspective on the Meaning of Life
Loredana VLAD
53. Key Skill Management in Operating Room – International project ERASMUS+
54. Factors Shaping Labour Market Participation
Ana-Maria ZAMFIR, Anamaria NĂSTASĂ, Anamaria-Beatrice ALDEA, Raluca MOLEA