Working Papers Volume – 4th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Education, Quality and Sustainable Development, EDU 2020, 25-26 noiembrie 2020, Targoviste, Romania & 15th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society, CATES2020, 27-28 noiembrie 2020, Targoviste, Romania
Co-directori: Gabriel GORGHIU, Antonio SANDU
LUMEN – Copyright © 2020 – Colecția CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS
FORMAT: Tipărit PAGINI: 144 LIMBA: Engleza
LUMEN EDU International Scientific Conference – Education, Quality & Sustainable Development (LUMEN EDU EQSD2020) este dedicată exclusiv științei educației, facilitând dialogul între cadre universitare, cercetători / absolvenți, cadre didactice preuniversitare, cadre didactice auxiliare, formatori, masteranzi și doctoranzi în domeniul educației.
Domenii de interes:
Educational policies
• Trends and good practices in contemporary education (at preschool, school, university and postgraduate level)
• Paradigms of contemporary education
• Quality assurance in education
• Educational management
• Reform, change and innovation in education
• Formal, non-formal and informal education in the context of contemporary educational policies and practices
• Self-education and permanent education
• Sport in the 3rd millennium2.Initial and Continuing Teacher Training
• Mentoring and Coaching in Teacher Training
• Professionalization of the teaching career
• Training of trainers3.Psychology of education
• Psychopedagogy of ages
• Educating pupils with special educational needs
• Education of gifted children
• School learning
• Experential learning
• Psycho-pedagogical knowledge of the pupil/child4.Counseling theories and practices in education
• Educational counseling
• Vocational / professional / career counseling
• Psycho-pedagogical counseling
• Counseling for personal development
• Psychosocial counseling
• Counseling and psychological assistance in sport and Kinetotherapy5.Fields of pedagogy
• General Pedagogy / Fundamentals of Pedagogy / General Theory of Education
• Theory and methodology of training / General didactics
• Curriculum Theory and Methodology
• Theory and Methodology of Pedagogical Research
• Sociology of education (Social pedagogy, Family pedagogy, Labor pedagogy, Media pedagogy, etc.)
• Pedagogy of Art
• Philosophical Pedagogy (Philosophy of Education)
• Anthropological pedagogy6.Specialized didactics
• Didactics of the discipline
• Didactics of curricular area
• Physical education pedagogy
• Sport pedagogy
• The new education7.E-Learning and Software in Education
• Distance learning
• e-Learning technologies
• Projects and e-Learning experiences
• e-Tutoring & Mentoring
• e-Learning for sustainable development
1. Key Competences in Sustainability for the Future Employees. A dialogue between Employers and Higher Education
Daniela-Tatiana AGHEORGHIESEI, Laura Anca ASANDULUI, Alexandru ŢUGUI
2. Some Aspects of Anti-Doping Control
3. Culture, Knowledge and the Self Concept in the Educational Process
Mirela ANGHEL, Nicoleta Aurora POPESCU
4. Higher Education in the Pandemic Situation. Adapting and Integrating the Students. Good Practices
Gabriela Alina ANGHEL
5. Student-Centered University Education in a Pandemic Context. What Do Students Say?
Gabriela Alina ANGHEL, Camelia VOICU, Ramona NEACSA
6. Family-School Relationship – Teachers’ Opinions
7. Students’ Perspective on Education for Sustainability. Empirical Evidences from Two Universities
8. Epistemological Landmarks of the Specialists Managerial-Legislative Training in the Field of Physical Culture
9. The Behavior of Students and the Presence of Frequency Brain Waves
Oprea Valentin BUŞU, Elena Cristina ANDREI
10. Training Opportunities for Intellectual Work Techniques
Viorica-Torii CACIUC
11. Cognitive Mapping as a Teaching Tool
Felicia CEAUŞU
12. Early Childhood Education – Educational Policies & Good Practices
Otilia CLIPA
13. General Didactics as a Theory and Methodology of Teaching
Gabriela CRISTEA
14. Authority, Competence and Didactic Performance. A Possible Image of Professional Skills
Constantin CUCOŞ
15. Poor Education System – the Cause of the Lack of Labor in the Industry
Anişoara – Ionela DIACONU
16. Large Hotel Chains’ Best Practices in Terms of Sustainability. Lessons we Need to Learn
17. Teenagers` Perceptions about Discrimination
Luminiţa-Mihaela DRĂGHICESCU, Ioana STĂNCESCU, Ana-Maria SUDUC
18. Online School- a Challenge in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic
19. Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development – Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Training
Roxana Constanţa ENACHE, Ana Maria Aurelia PETRESCU, Laura Monica GORGHIU
20. Educational Change as a Relational Practice
Alexandra GALBIN
21. Moral and Citizenship Educational Goals; Representations for Romanian Pre-Service Teachers
Roxana-Maria GHIAŢĂU
22. Stress in Relationship with Different Types of Personality
Ioana Cătălina GHIŢĂ
23. Principles of Gamification in Higher Education. Possible Applications for the Online Learning
Adina Elena GLAVA
24. From Needs to Results in the University Teaching Staff Continuous Professional Development
Laura Monica GORGHIU, Ana-Maria Aurelia PETRESCU, Gabriel GORGHIU, Elena Ancuţa SANTI
25. Democracy, Education and Sustainable Development in the XXI Century. Psycho-Sociological Approach
Silviu-Petru GRECU
26. Contemporary Commitment to NICT in Teaching and Choosing the Proper Software
Mariana- Viorela, GRIGORE-FILIP (ŞERBAN)
27. The Paradigm of Russian Psychocentric Pedagogy
28. The Mechanism of Social Acceptance in Groups of Schoolmates
Alexandra HUIDU
29. Digital Storytelling in Education: Ethical Issues
30. Education and Faith in a Pandemic World
Adrian-Neculai LĂCĂTUŞ
31. Academic Attitudes in the Process of Bologna. Quality Assurance
Juljana LAZE
32. Connecting Distance Learning with Education in Online Security – Opportunities during the Global Pandemic
33. The Impact of Using Modern Fitness Techniques vs. the Traditional Ones on the Development of the Strength of the Lower Limbs in Adolescent Girls
34. Doping Control in The Republic of Moldova: Specific Features
Ecaterina LUNGU
35. E-learning: Introducing Computer Use in Mathematics Lessons in Primary Education
Daniela Alice LUTA (MANOLESCU), Bianca Cezarina ENE, Ionela Daniela JUGĂNARU, Daniela TUFEANU
36. Determining Best Practices for Academic Coaches Using Online Learning in the Area of Green Energy
Gabriela MĂNTESCU, Gabriel GORGHIU
37. Making Career Decision in Context of COVID-19 Pandemic. An Analysis Upon Disadvantaged Student Groups
Gabriel MAREŞ, Venera-Mihaela COJOCARIU, Cristina CÎRTIȚĂ-BUZOIANU
38. Values Education for Public Integrity
Simona MINA
39. About Some Problems Watching Education in Moving to the Digital Era, and Mathematics as a Tool for their Solving
Aslanbek NAZIEV
40. Pandemic Youth Education
Constantin NECULA
41. Narrative Therapy and Appreciative Education
Cătălina NECULAU
42. Violations of Privacy
Gabriela NEMŢOI
43. Principles of Modeling Development Proces at Regional Level
Valeriu Stelian NIŢOI, Constantina CHIRIAC, Marius GÎRTAN
44. Strategies for Mitigation and Prevention of University Students’ Drop-Out, Available in ROSE Projects
Ana-Maria Aurelia PETRESCU, Laura Monica GORGHIU, Gabriel GORGHIU
45. Ethics Audit in Educational Organizations
Antonio SANDU
46. The Factors that Influence the Students’ Eating Behavior and Coping Mechanisms to Stress
Elena Ancuţa SANTI, Gabriel GORGHIU
47. The Classroom Demands, Teacher Self-Efficacy and Coping Strategies in On-site and On-line Teaching
Maria-Doina SCHIPOR, Diana-Sînziana DUCA
48. Contemporary Issues in Teaching School Physical Education through Online Tools
49. Teachers and Students’ Use of Social Media and Their Experience with Online Fake News and Violent Content
Ana-Maria SUDUC, Mihai BÎZOI
50. Sustainable Development and the better Way to Promote Education for Regenerative Agriculture
51. The Need for a New Strategy to Promote the Training in Education of Farmers and Implementation of Sustainable Agriculture
52. The Fight Against Corruption in Sport: International and National Experience
Vasile TRIBOI, Natalia NASTAS
53. Features of Tactical Training Models in Sports Climbing at Youth Level
Antonia TRIFU, Monica STĂNESCU, Florin PELIN
54. The Feedback, between the Reinforcement Behavior and the Pedagogical Principle – A Perspective of Students Trapped in Online Education
55. Contributions Regarding the Development and Experimentation of a Specific Physical Training Model for Greco-Roman Junior Wrestlers
Florentin VASILESCU, Ştefan Dănuţ TUDORANCEA, Nicoleta LEONTE
56. Problematics of the Emigrants’ Accommodation in a New Educational Context. Comparative Analysis between the Perspective of Teachers and the Perspective of Pupils’
Aniella-Mihaela VIERIU
57. The Challenges of Romanian Education in the Context of Pandemic
Loredana VLAD
58. Virtual Laboratories in Technical Education: Innovative Approaches During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Valentin ZICHIL, Cosmin GRIGORAS, Elena NECHITA, Cristina Cirtita-BUZOIANU, Brindusa-Mariana AMALANCEI