Submit your article to one of the LUMEN Open Access Journals indexed in International Databases, with free open-access fee

Publica cartea ta la Editura Stiintifica Lumen May1st free LUMEN EJMHB journals

We are celebrating 20 years of LUMEN and we continue with gifts for you!

Submit now your article for evaluation into one of the LUMEN open access journals and benefit from free open access fee!

Submit till May 1st, 2021 and, if accepted, your research or theoretical article will be published free of charge!

Open access peer reviewed journals indexed in International Databases, with free open-access fee*

* LIMITED offer: all the bellow journals will publish the next issue without open-access fee. Each journal will publish a total of 10 articles in the future Issue, chosen by Editors following the peer-review process, in the order they were submitted by the authors.
Deadline: The articles should be submitted until May 1st, 2021

Eastern-European Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics | Call for Special  Issue  – “COVID-19 Ethical Approaches”

Covered in | CrossRef; RePEc; CEEOL; KVK; WorldCat; Google Scholar, ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus | VIEW JOURNAL | CURRENT ISSUE | REGISTER

The journal aims to encourage a high academic standard for enhance professional and public discussion on the topics of medical humanities, anthropology, cultural studies related to health, human body, bioethics and public health. The journal encourages the development of the pedagogical approach of each of the main topics.

The journal also encourages papers which approach the field of interest of the journal from the perspective of the perceived significance of the field and of the challenges given by the social construction of medical profession and helping professions.

Publica cartea ta la Editura Stiintifica Lumen May1st free LUMEN EJMHB journals

Journal for Social Media Inquiry

Covered in | CrossRef; RePEc; CEEOL; Google Scholar, ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus |  VIEW JOURNAL | CURRENT ISSUE | REGISTER .

Journal for Social Media Inquiry is an open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which approach the study and understanding of social media.

We encourage papers related to ethical issues in qualitative/quantitative research in social media field which may bring new knowledge and better understanding of the social media mechanism and influence on social action and/or human behavior.

The journal facilitates state-of-the-art inquiry on cutting-edge trends and enables scholars to develop research and track trends in this field.Publica cartea ta la Editura Stiintifica Lumen May 1st free LUMEN Jsmi journals

Journal of Mediation & Social Welfare

Covered in | CrossRef; RePEc; Google Scholar; ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus |  VIEW JOURNAL | CURRENT ISSUE | REGISTER

Journal of Mediation & Social Welfare (JMSW) aims to promote academic excellence in social welfare and mediation as parts of the social sciences.

The journal addresses the academic community across the world, especially expressing its openness for promoting young researchers.

Journal of Mediation & Social Welfare is an open access peer-reviewed journal which addresses to both practitioners (such as public servants, NGO staff and members, community workers, youth workers, teachers, non-formal trainers and educators) and to theoreticians in the field of mediation and social welfare.

Publica cartea ta la Editura Stiintifica Lumen May1st ree LUMEN JMSW journals

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Author: Editura Științifică LUMEN