Maria Cristina Ștefan

Maria Cristina Ștefan – Valahia University of Targoviste, Targoviste, Romania. Received the Ph. D. degree in economy of Romanian Academy, National Institute of Economic Researches after the Faculty of Economics of Valahia University of Târgovişte. She reached to the Faculty of Economics, the Management-Marketing Department and between 2012-2016 she held the position of Vice Dean. At present, she is Director of the Management-Marketing Department, member of the Senate and board member of the Faculty Council. Main activities and responsibilities: didactic and scientific research focus on economy (microeconomics, macroeconomics), regional development, local development, SMEs management and business administration. Is researcher, member of the Centre for Research in Management and Marketing of Târgovişte and the CEDIMES Institute of Paris, France where she has been involved in numerous national and international projects. She is also member of the European Association for Evolutionary political Economy (EAEPE) and the Association des Economistes de Langue Française. She published more than 60 papers and 11 books.

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