Lucreția Mariana Constantinescu – Valahia University of Targoviste, Targoviste, Romania. She received the Ph. D. degree in economy after the studies in economics (Faculty of International Business and Economics) of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. In 1996, she reached to Management-Marketing Department of the Valahia University of Targoviste where still working.Main activities and responsibilities: didactic and scientific research focus to SMEs marketing, services economy, business administration and Total Quality Management. She‟s researcher of the Centre for Research in Management and Marketing of ICSMT Institute, also of the CEDIMES Institute (Centre de Développement International et des Mouvements Économiques et Sociaux) of Paris, France where she has been involved in numerous national and international projects. She published more 80 papers and 7 books. She‟s also member of the General Association of the Romanian Economist; Association des Economistes de Langue Française; Balkan Environment Association of Greece and Tiers Monde Association of Nancy 2 University, France
A publicat la Editura Lumen:
- Violeta Andreea Andreiana, Lucreția Mariana Constantinescu, Maria Cristina Ștefan. The Equestrian Tourism Valorisation in Romania. În Seraphin Hugues, Nicoleta Cristache (editori), Risk In Contemporary Economy. RCE 2017. Editura Lumen. (Domenii de interes: Științe economice)
- Violeta Elena Drăgoi, Lucreţia Mariana Constantinescu, Larisa Elena Preda, Premises and Consequences of the Adoption of the Euro as the Single Currency in Romania. În Seraphin Hugues, Nicoleta Cristache (editori), Risk In Contemporary Economy. RCE 2017. Editura Lumen. (Domenii de interes: Științe economice)