Estella Antoaneta CIOBANU

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Estella Antoaneta Ciobanu  este conferenţiar la Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea Ovidius din Constanţa, unde predă Identitate și gen în S.U.A.; Cultură și religii în S.U.A.; Postmodernism; și Iconuri culturale anglo-americane. Printre subiectele sale de cercetare se numără studiile de iconizare și reprezentarea de gen a corpului în literatură, teatrul medieval, cartografie, practicile anatomo-medicale și arte. Este autoarea a trei monografii: Representations of the Body in Middle English Biblical Drama (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), The Body Spectacular in Middle English Theatre (Bucureşti: Ed. Etnologică, 2013), The Spectacle of the Body in Late Medieval England (Iaşi: Ed. Lumen, 2012; ed. a II-a revizuită 2020); a unor manuale pentru studenţi: English Practical Course: A Student’s Book for Part-Time Students, 2 vol. (Ovidius University Press, 2011; ed. a II-a 2016–2017), English for Psychology: A Textbook for the First- and Second-Year Students (Ovidius University Press, 2005); și coautoare (împreună cu Petru Golban) a monografiei A Short History of Literary Criticism (Kütahya, Turcia: Üç Mart Press, 2008). A publicat peste cincizeci de articole și capitole de carte pe subiecte medievale și post-medievale, despre gen și corp, printre care ‘Mapping the Exotic Other? Orientalisms and the Odalisque in Romanian Painting’ (Mapping Cultural Identities and Intersections: Imagological Readings, ed. Onorina Botezat & Mustafa Kirca, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019), ‘Kitchen and Other Tables to Think With: The Case of To the Lighthouse, The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover and In the Mood for Love’ (American, British and Canadian Studies, 2019), ‘Divine (with) Shakespeare: Two Postmodern Case Studies of Divination’ (Acta Iassyensia Comparationis, special issue: 400 Years with Shakespeare and Cervantes, 2017), ‘“Alas poor Yorick!” Bodies out of Joint in Shakespeare, Baudelaire, Seamus Heaney, Andreas Vesalius and Govard Bidloo’ (Annals of Ovidius University of Constanţa, Philology Series, 2016), ‘Not Quite Changing Places: Iconic Remediations of the “Human Anatomy” Topos at the Turn of the Millennium’ (East–West Cultural Passage, 2014), ‘Remediations of the Western Anatomical Imaginary: From Ovid’s Marsyas to Middle English Theatre to Renaissance Anatomy’ (Annals of Ovidius University of Constanţa, Philology Series, 2014), ‘Fashioning Iconicity within the Early Modern “Apolline Discipline” of Anatomy’ (Annals of Ovidius University of Constanţa, Philology Series, 2013), ‘En-gendering Exemplarity in Early Modern Anatomical Illustration and the Fine Arts: Dis- and Dys-identifications of the Anatomical/Pictorial Model as Male’ (Gender Studies in the Age of Globalization, ed. Ramona Mihăilă, Efstratia Oktapoda & Nancy Honicker, Addleton Academic Publishers, 2013).


  • Ciobanu, E. A. (2012). The spectacle of the body in late medieval England (No. 2). Editura Lumen.

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