We are delighted to invite you to the 17th edition of LUMEN International Scientific Conference – RSACVP 2022 – Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice, an online & onsite scientific event dedicated to the new society studies.
The event will take place in Iasi, Romania and online worldwide, between 2nd and 4th of June, 2022.
This edition of LUMEN International Scientific Conference will take place as an hybrid event, with onsite and online attendance on the event. We are confident that the pandemic situation will soften and we will be able to meet each other face to face.
The 17th edition of LUMEN International Scientific Conference is a transdisciplinary event, whose general objective is to promote scientific excellence, encouraging original researches. The goal of LUMEN RSACVP 2022 continue to focus on the interference between the new theoretical approaches and the social and educational practice, taking into account the need for an ethical resize of the social action, in the current post pandemic society.
We expect papers with transdisciplinary approach, that are related to at least one of the following topics:
Social Sciences (Sociology, Communication, Social Work, Anthropology)
Humanities (Applied Philosophy, Ethics – including Applied Ethics & Bioethics-, History, Religious Studies, Language, Arts & Architecture)
Education (Psychology, Educational Sciences, Sport)
Political Sciences (Politics, European Studies, International Relations)
Law (Public & Private Law)
Economics (Management, Marketing, Economy)
Public Health & Medical Humanities, or other related domains
Publication |
Following the days of the Conference, the results and ideas are published, upon peer-review, in dedicated issues of:
– Web of Sciences indexed Journals (Postmodern Openings, Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala or Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience),
or in other International Databases indexed Journals (Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Economics & Administrative Sciences; Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Law; Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy & Humanistic Sciences; Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Social Sciences; Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology; Eastern-European Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics; Journal for Ethics in Social Studies; BRAND. Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation and Distribution; LiBRI. Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation; Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Political Sciences & European Studies; Journal of Mediation & Social Welfare; Journal for Social Media Inquiry).
All journals are published online, open-access, all papers being identified with DOI (indexed in Crossref).
Registration | Prepare your Abstract today, and submit it by e-mail at contact@lumenconference.com, using the Registration Form. In order to ease the registration process, make sure your Abstract is in English, and you have filled in all required information.
Call for workshops |
We encourage researchers and scholars, who wish to organize Workshops on specific topics related to the Conference theme, to apply as Workshop Coordinator, and send us an application containing the description and other necessary details (using the Workshop-proposal-template). In order for a Workshop Proposal to be selected as an event within the Conference, the application must contain at least 5 presentations of different authorship, but no more than 2 presentations/(co)author.
Send your Abstract sooner rather than later, and benefit from the early registration discount!
Call for Plenary Speakers | We wish to encourage the scholars who are interested in giving a plenary speech, to propose a transdisciplinary lecture on a topic of great interest for the current times. The Scientific Committee will carefully evaluate each proposal, based on the candidate’s resume and Abstract of presentation, and chose up to 5 speeches, that will add up to the invited Keynote Speakers.
Start here to submit an abstract to this conference:
Subscription-Form-17th-LUMEN-RSACVP2022 Download
Step 1: download and fill-in the
Step 2: Join the LUMEN Submission Platform and click on Make Submission
Deadline for early registration | March 20th, 2022. To see the deadlines and fees for each type of presentation, visit the page: Fees and Deadlines LUMEN RSACVP2022
Venue of the Conference | on site and online event.
Onsite | “Petre Andrei” University from Iasi, Str. Balusescu, Iasi, Romania.
Online | The log-in information for the ZOOM platform will be available to the registered participants, a few days prior to the conference.
Contact |contact@lumenconference.com