Oana Elena Lenţa

Oana Elena LENŢA holds a Bachelor degree in Psychology, a Master‟s in Social Auditing and she has a PhD in Philosophy. Her publications include in the last years several scholarly articles as author or co-author published in Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences – Volume 92 (2013)and vol. 149 (2014) ed. Sandu A. & Caras A., Elsevier, in Applied Social Psychology, (2014), ed. P. Runcan, Cambridge Scholarship Publishing, in Contemporary issues facing families: An interdisciplinary dialogue. eds. Rogobete, I & Neagoe, A., (2013), Verlag fur Kultur und Wissenshaft (Culture and Science Publishing), in Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, (2013), ed. B. Patrut, Medimond, or in other collective volumes published in Romania or abroad. From the approached subject matters and topics of interest we name but a few, such as social psychology, moral philosophy, cultural anthropology and social work.

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