Ion Carp

Ion Carp – has a Doctor’s Degree in pedagogical sciences. He is currently working as an Associate professor at the Department of Theoretical Bases of Physical Culture, head of the Scientific Research Center of Physical Education and Sport from the State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. His didactical experience ensures quality instructive-educational process and scientific research activity of teachers, students, master students and PhD students. Under the guidance of Mr Carp Ion there were defended 7 PhD theses in Pedagogical Sciences, out of which the most representatives are: „Sports selection in tennis in the system of multiannual training” (2007); „Development of motor skills of middle school students based on differentiated dosing of physical effort” (2011). He is author of the courses: ”Epistemology and methodology of scientific research in physical culture”, ”Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of physical culture”, ”Technologies of motor skills education” and co-author of ”Theory and methods of physical education” and ” Theory and methods of sports training”. His priority directions of research are: improvement of educational process of Physical Education subject in the pre-university and university education system; basic sports physical culture (sport for all) and specialized one (performance sport); pedagogical professional preparation of specialists in physical culture and rehabilitation physical culture field.

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