Ioan Răzvan Beldiman – Physical Education Teacher at “Ştefan cel Mare” High School in Codăeşti, Vaslui, Romania (2016 – present). National football referee – 1st category (2007 – present). Coach football team (2014 – present). Studies: Master’s Degree in “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi – Romania, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport; Bachelor studies at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi – Romania, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport. Fields of interest and publication: coach, sports training, physical education and sports, sports games, fitness.
A publicat la Editura Lumen:
Cristina Elena Moraru, Alexandru Rareş Puni, Ioan Răzvan Beldiman, The Effects of Circuit Training on Muscle Strength and Resistance. În Camelia Ignătescu (editor), Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice. RSACVP 2019 . Editura Lumen. (Domenii de interes: Educație fizică și sport)