Lecturer Iancu Rachita, Ph.D. The University Politehnica of Bucharest Department of Physical Education and Sport – Kinetoterapy Graduate University of Physical Education and Sport – Bucharest. Master in Physical Education and Sport – Motor Anthropology. Ph.D in Physical Education and Sport domain. The work experience in the domain is 16 years in higher education activity. Competence areas: human motricity, physical education and sport – theory and methodology, specialist in judo and volleyball. The scientific activity materialized through studies and articles published in speciality journals and in the volumes of national and international scientific sessions.
A publicat la Editura Lumen:
Nicoleta Leonte, Ofelia Popescu, Adrian Pricop, Iancu Răchită, Influence of Body Mass Index over the Youngsters’ Motion. În Camelia Ignătescu, Antonio Sandu, Tomiță Ciulei (editori), Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice. RSACVP 2017 . Editura Lumen. (Domenii de interes: Științe medicale)