Emilia A. TAJSIN

Emilia A. TAJSIN – PhD, DSc in philosophy (theory of knowledge). Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Media communications, Kazan State Power Engineering University. Member of Russian Philosophical Society 2000–2016; ISUD Member of ISUD since 2012. Main works: 2009–2012. Essays on New Gnoseology. In 4 volumes. KGEU Publishers. 2013. /in Russian/. Philosophical Problems of Semiotics. 3-rd ed. Aletheia, 208 pp.; 2013. /in Russian/. Theory of Cognition. Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso. Aletheia, 608 pp.; 2013. /in Russian/. Theory of Cognition. Collection of Articles. Aletheia, 264 pp.; 2014. /in Russian/. Tajsin, Emilia. Essays on New Cognition Theory. In 4 v. Essay I. The Basic Syntagma. Novosibirsk, 2017.

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