Appreciative Ethics – Antonio SANDU

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Antonio SANDU

LUMEN – Copyright © 2012 – Colecția DIMENSIUNI CULTURALE

FORMAT: Tipărit         PAGINI: 300          LIMBA: Engleza

ISBN:  978- 973-166-313-5

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The volume brings together a series of theoretical analysis and field studies in applied ethics. The philosophical perspectives concerned are the social-constructionist and the appreciative one (derived from appreciative inquiry). Are addressed themes of ethics, as autonomy and its social construction, contractualist ethics, and feminist ethics of care. The volume also examines some contemporary challenges that rise in front of ethics: transhumanism and artificial improvement of species, protection of dignity of the human species, etc. Are also addressed both ethical counseling and supervision of ethics, presenting an unique approach. In the volume we propose a model of ethics as appreciative ethics of care, which proposes a synthesis between feminist ethics of care and appreciative inquiry, as a priority of the author. (Autorul)

Domenii de interes:

  • filosofie
  • sociologie
  • etica apreciativa


CHAPTER I (pp. 11-14) – Ethic reconstructions in postmodernity

Christian approach of affirmative ethics; Success and Grace. Dimensions of Affirmative Ethics; Membership and Fidelity. Dimensions of Affirmative Ethics; Democratization of Accesss to Transcendence. Dimension of Affirmative Ethics; Ethical Dimensions of Communication in Transmodernity.

CHAPTER II (pp. 29-60) – A constructionist interpretation of social contract theories

Methodological assumptions; Plato as a precursor of social contract theory; Enlightenment philosophy and the rise of modernity; Contemporary horizons on social contract theory; Social construction of law and justice.

CHAPTER III (pp. 61-102) – Considerations regarding the relation between morality, ethics and law

Current issues in ethical debate and professional ethics; Ethical and legal essentialism; Theory of virtues and legal practice; Ethical utilitarianism; Communitarian ethics; Levinas: Ethics at the level of prime ontology; Restorative justice and Foucault’s ethics; Alan Cameron about the relation between legal and moral normativity; Ethical fairness and achievement of legal justice; Codes of ethics; Regulations of ethical conduct of magistrates.

CHAPTER IV (pp. 103-136) – A constructionist approach of appreciative philosophical discourse

Constructionism and postmodernism; Religious background of affirmative (appreciative) paradigm; Freedom as an affirmative experience; Freedom as an experience for transcendence access; Appreciative teaching of philosophy; 4D model in appreciative teaching; Appreciative Inquiry and Action Research in the organizational development; Characteristics of Appreciative Inquiry within the cultural organization.

CHAPTER V (pp. 137-172) – Ethical and appreciative philosophical counselling

Theoretical Models in Philosophical Counseling; Philosophical Counseling: Appreciative Inquiry Model; Appreciative Ethics; Appreciative Inquiry; The appreciative “destiny” therapy – a form of constructionist sociotherapy; Appreciative medicine. Redefining therapeutic relations; Affirmative-appreciative models of psychological and social counseling. The “Yes!” method; The principles of appreciative counseling; Stages of the Appreciative Counseling Process; Appreciative dimensions of (bio) ethics; Context and social responsibility; Positioning and Ethics; Counseling of ethics.

CHAPTER VI (pp. 173-198) – The concept of autonomy and its philosophical meanings in bioethics

Philosophical Directions in Defining the Concept of Autonomy; Autonomy and Self-Achievement at J. S. Mill; Meanings of the Term Autonomy in Contemporary Bioethics; The Influence of the Idea of Autonomy in Construction of Bioethics; Objective autonomy: rationality or justification versus subjective autonomy (freedom) in bioethics; Contemporary Meanings of the Term Autonomy in Bioethics; Psycho-Social Perspectives on Autonomy; Cognitive Behavioral Changes due to Various Therapeutical Acts and the Impact on Autonomy; The Individual as an Agent or Receiver of Ethical Action. Acceptance and Refusal of Treatment; Autonomous Action and Reflective Self-Control; The Criticism on the Use of Philosophical Meanings of the Concept of Autonomy in Bioethics.

CHAPTER VII (pp. 199-216) – Julian savulescu and the issue of controversial choices

Julian Savulescu – biography; The concept of autonomy in Julian Savulescu’s view; Wellbeing Theories; Welfare and autonomy issues in research on human subjects; Between Superman and Supermouse or the dawn of biological liberation; The principle of procreative beneficence; Euthanasia and organ donation; Limitations of respect for individuals’ autonomy; Medically assisted reproduction and cloning.

CHAPTER VIII (pp. 217-232) – Meanings of autonomy of diabetic patient from doctor’s perspective

Literature Review; The individual as an agent or receiver of ethical action. Autonomy as a fundamental of human agency; Autonomy and disability theory; Methodology; Discussions on validity; Inductive analysis of categories. Open coding; Axial Coding; The stage of theoretical generation.

CHAPTER IX (pp. 233-252) – Appreciative ethic of care

Ethic of Care as a Form of Ethic of Virtue; Ethics of Care as a Theoretical Model; The Issue of Autonomy in Ethics of Care; Criticism on Ethics of Care; Observations regarding Ethics of Care; The waiver of deficiency paradigm in favor of appreciative ethics; Models of chronic care and patient-doctor relationship; The 4D of Appreciative Inquiry within the doctor-patient relationship.

CHAPTER X (pp. 253-266) – Ethical responsibility of companies

Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and social responsibility; Audit of ethics; Supervision of ethics.

REFERENCES (pp. 267-294)

SHORT BIOGRAPHY  (pp. 295-298)




Publica cartea ta la Editura Stiintifica Lumen poza antonio sanduPROF UNIV. DR. HABIL. ANTONIO SANDU este cercetător coordonator al Centrului de Cercetări Socio-Umane LUMEN, cadru didactic în cadrul Facultății de Drept și Științe Administrative a Universității „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava, coordonator de doctorate în cadrul Școlii Doctorale de Sociologie a Universității din Oradea, directorul Editurii LUMEN şi preşedintele Asociaţiei LUMEN, autor, coautor sau coordonator a peste 40 de volume şi autor sau coautor a peste 150 de articole ştiinţifice în domeniul sociologiei, filosofiei, justiției restaurative, eticii aplicate, asistenței sociale etc. Contribuția originală a activității științifice a autorului pornește de la construcția socială a realității și construcționismului social, așa cum se prezintă acestea din perspectivă semiologică. Prof. Antonio Sandu analizează construcția socială a realității dezvoltând propria versiune a construcționismului social, care operează la intersecția dintre paradigma constructivistă și teoria acțiunii comunicative.

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Author: Editura Științifică LUMEN