Interesat de „City Branding?” Despre branding de oras in contextul evenimentului „Capitala Culturala Europeana” – Andra Botnaru

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Interesat de „City Branding?” Despre branding de oras in contextul evenimentului „Capitala Culturala Europeana”/ Interested in City Branding? About City Branding in the Context of the European Cultural Capital (Romanian Version)
Author: Andra Cristina BOTNARU
Lumen Publishing House
Iasi, Romania 2009
No. pg. 233

                  City branding is a subject as new as it is controversial and difficult. Through the research conducted, I aimed a deepening of this area, to understand why cities are regarded as brands and how they are “constructed” as brands. I chose a particular context, the single-event “European Cultural Capital”, to give a unit character to the research.

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