De sensu. Incercare istorico-metodologica asupra empirismului in efortul Gnoseologic – Tomita Ciulei

De sensu

De sensu. Incercare istorico-metodologica asupra empirismului in efortul Gnoseologic/ De Sensu. Historical and Methodological Attempt on Emipicism in a Gnoseological Effort (Romanian Version)
Author: Tomita CIULEI
Lumen Publishing House
Iasi, Romania 2006
No. pg. 528

The present effort lies its assumptions in a double attepmt: first, the need for detailed historical analysis of empiricism in general and the classic one (Anglo-Saxon) in particular and on the other hand, recovery of the common approaches of the philosophical perspective, from the knowledge and understanding of Being, to the possibility of its appearance in semantic constructs.


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