Editia a II-a
LUMEN – Copyright © 2019 – Colecția DIMENSIUNI CULTURALE
FORMAT: Tiparit PAGINI: 407 LIMBA: Engleză
ISBN: 978-973-166-558-0
CUMPARA IN ROMANIA PRIN: Edituralumen.ro, Libraria virtuala LUMEN, Emag.ro
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Editia I
LUMEN – Copyright © 2012 – Colecția DIMENSIUNI CULTURALE
FORMAT: Tipărit PAGINI: 400 LIMBA: Engleza
ISBN: 9789731663159
CUMPARA IN ROMANIA PRIN: Libris.ro, Librariaeminescu.ro
Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.ca, Amazon.de, Amazon.it, Amazon.fr,
Amazon.in, Buchfreund.de, Booklooker.de, Abebooks.co.uk, Mesageria.md
Why a ‘spectacle’ of the body? Why not an ‘imaginary’ of the body or ‘images’ or perhaps ‘concepts’? Even to the lay reader, the two sets – ‘spectacle’ as a category unto its own versus the remainder, especially the last two concepts – likely evoke entrenched binaries such as dynamic vs. static views of the body. Yet not even at the most abstract conceptual level can the body be pictured as entirely static: medieval discursive practices testify to this much despite their rejection of body dynamics and change, regarded as damaging to spirituality. (Autoarea)
Domenii de interes :
- studii culturale, britanice, americane, iudaice, islamice etc.
- mituri, ritualuri simbolice si studii religioase, filosofia religiei
- Anglia medievala
CONTENTS (pp. 7-10)
INTRODUCTION (pp. 15-60)
Coming to terms with the ‘spectacle’; Judith Butler: the performativity of body and gender; A christian spectacle to the world; Representations of violence, the violence of representation and the violence of law; Taking sides, or the unavoidable position(ing) of the speaking subject.
CHAPTER I (pp. 61-80) – This body which is not one: coming to terms with the body in theory past and present
A polymorphic discursive corpus on the (medieval) body; Modern explanatory discourses of the medieval social body.
CHAPTER II (pp. 81-218) – The body in the middle ages between individual and collective
Mapping the contours of sin onto the body in the christian discourse of body and flesh; Corpus Christi – from Jesus’ historical body to the eucharist to christian community to the corporatist universal church; A circular conception: Corpus Christi and mary’s virginal maternal body ; The feast and procession of Corpus Christi: from the corporate body of Christ to the masculine social body; Silent/silenced contours of the Corpus Christi procession: foreword; Adding serrated margins to the Corpus Christi: medieval cartographies of the monstrous races, or the dis-/dys-figured body of sin; Leprous (social) body borders, or ma(r)king one abject fissure in the body of Christ; Jews in the late medieval christian imaginary and society: another ‘monstrous race’ to be expelled?
CHAPTER III (pp. 219-278) – Medieval violence against the body and its (mis)representations
Medieval theories of violence and/as cruelty and the politics of vindictam facere; Law and judicial torture in the central and later middle ages; The politics and poetics of pain representation in medieval penology; Tropes of violence in the medieval ars memorativa; Flesh-and-blood discursive violence in medieval christianity: Christ’s body in parts; A late medieval crucifixion-obsessional aesthetic of fragmentation and pain.
CHAPTER IV (pp. 279-312) – Optical theories and christian visuality: (Dis)embodied vision from concupiscentia oculorum to the moral and spiritual eye
The theologian-scientists’ and preachers’ vision; Harnessing images to the project of christian instruction and devotionalism; Making vision and the gaze in christocentric theologia cordis: The role of imago pietatis and ostentatio vulnerum in engendering compunctio cordis.
CHAPTER V (pp. 313-354) – Medieval ‘spectatorial sensibility’ and representational excess in spectacles of the body
Medieval spectacles of the body: ‘spectatorial sensibility’ and the spectatorial gaze; Fashioning and fearing audience response to crucifixion iconography in the late middle ages; Affective devotionalism and lay responses to violence: Margery kempe.
CONCLUSION (pp. 355-364)
REFERENCES (pp. 365-398)
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- Christoforaki, I. (2018). Artistic interchange across frontiers in the eastern Mediterranean. Cross-Cultural Interaction Between Byzantium and the West, 1204–1669: Whose Mediterranean Is It Anyway?, 22, 20.
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Estella Antoaneta Ciobanu este conferenţiar la Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea Ovidius din Constanţa, unde predă Identitate și gen în S.U.A.; Cultură și religii în S.U.A.; Postmodernism; și Iconuri culturale anglo-americane. Printre subiectele sale de cercetare se numără studiile de iconizare și reprezentarea de gen a corpului în literatură, teatrul medieval, cartografie, practicile anatomo-medicale și arte. Este autoarea a trei monografii: Representations of the Body in Middle English Biblical Drama (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), The Body Spectacular in Middle English Theatre (Bucureşti: Ed. Etnologică, 2013), The Spectacle of the Body in Late Medieval England (Iaşi: Ed. Lumen, 2012; ed. a II-a revizuită 2020); a unor manuale pentru studenţi: English Practical Course: A Student’s Book for Part-Time Students, 2 vol. (Ovidius University Press, 2011; ed. a II-a 2016–2017), English for Psychology: A Textbook for the First- and Second-Year Students (Ovidius University Press, 2005) Vezi detalii