Cartile publicate de editura LUMEN pot fi gasite pe cele doua platforme de comercializare ale Editurii Lumen, disponibile la si la, precum si in reteaua de distributie a librariilor fizice si virtuale partenere, o lista a acestora fiind prezentata mai jos. Numarul librariilor partenere creste de la an la an, Editura Lumen fiind preocupata ca in mod constant sa faca lucrarile publicate sub egida sa disponibile cat mai usor unei categorii cat mai largi de cititori. Pentru a vedea reteaua de distributie aferenta volumului de care sunteti interesant, va rugam sa consultati pagina de carte a volumului. Aceasta pagina contine informatii privind librariile de unde poate fi achizitionata cartea, atat in Romania, cat si in strainatate. Lista bibliotecilor virtuale partenere din Romania
Lista librariilor virtuale partenere din afara Romaniei
De asemenea, pe plan international, datorita cooperarii dintre Editura Lumen si Ingram, cel mai mare distribuitor de carte la nivel global, cartile Editurii Lumen sunt disponibile, incepand cu luna februarie 2020, prin reteaua Ingram, care este formata din peste 27.000 de librarii fizice si virtuale la nivel mondial. | The books published by LUMEN publishing house can be found on the two marketing platforms of Lumen Publishing House, available at and at, as well as in the distribution network of physical bookstores and virtual bookstores, a list of which is presented below. The number of partner bookstores increases from year to year, as Lumen Publishing House is concerned to constantly make the works published under its patronage available as easily as possible to a wide range of readers. To see the distribution network related to each volume you might be interested in, please consult the volume individual page on this site. This page contains information on the bookstores where the book can be purchased, both in Romania and abroad. List of our partner virtual libraries from Romania
List of our partner virtual libraries worldwide
Also, internationally, thanks to the cooperation between Lumen Publishing House and Ingram, the largest book distributor worldwide, Lumen Publishing House books are available, starting with February 2020, through the Ingram network, which consists of over 27,000 physical and virtual bookstores worldwide. |