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LUMEN – Copyright © 2018 – Colecția CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS
FORMAT: Tipărit PAGINI: 461 LIMBA: Engleza
ISSN (print): 2601 – 2510
ISSN (on-line): 2601 – 2529
ISSN–L: 2601 – 2510
ISBN: 978-1-910129-14-2
INDEXATA IN: CEEOL, RePEc, Econ Papers, transmis spre evaluare in vederea indexarii in Clarivate Analytics – Web of Sciences
5 în stoc
Otilia CLIPA (editor)
LUMEN – Copyright © 2018 – Colecția CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS
FORMAT: Tipărit PAGINI: 461 LIMBA: Engleza
ISSN (print): 2601 – 2510
ISSN (on-line): 2601 – 2529
ISSN–L: 2601 – 2510
ISBN: 978-1-910129-14-2
INDEXATA IN: CEEOL, RePEc, Econ Papers, transmis spre evaluare in vederea indexarii in Clarivate Analytics – Web of Sciences
Volumul intitulat ,,Studies and Current Trends in Science and Education”, editat de Otilia CLIPA, a fost publicat ca urmare a celei de a XV-a editii a conferintei stiintifice nationale International Conference on Sciences of Education, Studies and Current Trends in Science of Education, care a avut loc in perioada 9-10 iunie 2017 in Suceava, Romania, organizata de Universitatea Ştefan cel Mare din Suceava, România.
Domenii de interes:
- educatie
- etica cercetarii
- educatie continua
- educatie formala
- managementul educatiei
- Clipa, O. (2018). Relations of Style of Leadership and Achievement Motivation for Teacher. Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education/Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 10(4).
- Clipa, O., & Serban, M. (2018). Leadership, motivation and performance in teaching. Journal of Innovation in Psychology, Education and Didactics, 22(1), 89-102.
- Yunarti, B. S., Asaloei, S. I., Wula, P., & Werang, B. R. (2020). Stress and Performance of Elementary School Teachers of Southern Papua: A Survey Approach. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(3), 924-930.
- POPA, C., BOCHIS, L., & CLIPA, O. School assessment and test anxiety at primary school pupils.
- Козина, Н. В., & Радкевич, А. В. (2020). Профессиональные адаптационные характеристики педагогов коррекционной школы. Педиатр, 11(2), 101-108.
- Marciano, D. L. A Children’s Book and a Simple App: Stress Relief for Teachers and Students, The Future of Education.
- Kosina, N. V., & Radkevich, A. V. (2020). Characteristics of professional adaptation of correctional school teachers. Pediatrician (St. Petersburg), 11(2), 101-108.
- Banshchikova, T. N., Sokolovskii, M. L., Solomonov, V. A., & Fomina, E. A. Psychometrics of the Russian Version of the SACS Instrument (SE Hobfoll’s Strategic Approach to Coping Scale). mjltm. com info@ mjltm. org, 423.
- Банщикова, Т. Н., Соколовский, М. Л., & Моросанова, В. (2020). Стратегии преодоления стрессовых ситуаций: психометрические характеристики русской версии методики.
- Kwiatkowski, S. T. (2019). Radzenie sobie ze stresem w zawodzie nauczyciela–raport z badań. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J–Paedagogia-Psychologia, 31(3), 133-162.
- Asaloei, S. I., Wolomasi, A. K., & Werang, B. R. (2020). Work-Related Stress and Performance among Primary School Teachers. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 9(2), 352-358.
- Tikhonova, E., Radionova, M., Raitskaya, L., & Shlenskaya, N. (2019). Emotional Burnout of Female Teachers and Their Coping Strategies. ERIE 2019 Proceedings.
- Kojana, R., Khanare, F., & Gcelu, N. (2019). PSYCHOSOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF CURRICULUM CHANGE ON LESOTHO PRIMARY TEACHERS. Rethinking Teaching and learning in the 21st Century, 346.