145,28 lei
Elena HLACIUC, Ionel BOSTAN (coordonatori)
LUMEN – Copyright © 2013 – Colecția DEZVOLTARE SOCIALA
FORMAT: Tipărit PAGINI: 646 LIMBA: Engleză
ISBN: 978-973-1703-22-0
5 în stoc
Elena HLACIUC, Ionel BOSTAN (coordonatori)
LUMEN – Copyright © 2013 – Colecția DEZVOLTARE SOCIALA
FORMAT: Tipărit PAGINI: 646 LIMBA: Engleză
ISBN: 978-973-1703-22-0
Since we are honoured to have been asked to preface this volume, we will have to outline, from the very beginning, a few specific aspects that we believe should be defined in these circumstances. Firstly, the undertaking we are referring to is, as a whole, related to the organisation and development of a considerable number of public events and debates of a notably scientific and academic nature, as part of the EUROPEAN RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT IN HORIZONT 2020 (ERDH-2020/ Project No 529342-LLP-1-2012-1-RO-AJM-IC) project. The extent of the work and effort required in the management of this type of activity (a highly complex grant) has been acknowledged by the academic community for years. However, on this particular occasion, the project manager was the one who has taken on the task of addressing all the specific issues involved, alongside a team that has put in all their energy into making sure that this endeavour – as we shall see – eventually turns well. (Ionel Bostan)
Domenii de interes:
- științe economice
- științele educației
- drept comercial
- drept financiar-fiscal
- sociologie
- administrarea afacerilor
- administrație publică
- etică aplicată
- politici publice
- psihologia dezvoltăriiâ
- științele administrației