Etichetă: Postmodern
Postmodern Openings (jurnal indexat Web of Science) – Anunt primire lucrari numar special – Către o societate postmodernă post-pandemică. – Este pandemia o deconstrucţie a societăţii postmoderne?
Postmodern Openings (un jurnal internaţional open access, cu o tradiţie de 10 ani în cercetarea societăţii postmoderne, indexat în We of Science şi alte baze de date importante la nivel internaţional
Call for papers, reviewers & guest editors for 2020 Issues of Postmodern Openings Journal
Call for papers, reviewers & guest editors for 2020 Issues of Postmodern Openings Journal
(a Web of Science/Clarivate Analytics indexed journal)
Submit a paper for evaluation
Workshop “Presenting LUMEN Journals in the Field of Postmodern Studies” in cadrul 13th Lumen International Conference CATES 2019
Workshopul Presenting Lumen Journals in the Field of Postmodern Studies este un eveniment asociat al 13th edition of LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action and Transdisciplinar
Postmodern Quests in Applied Philosophy – Eric Allen ENGLE
Bryan DRUZIN, Eric Allen ENGLE, V. Basil HANS, Naail Mohammed KAMIL, David KOLB, Svetlana MUNTYAN, Mary O’GRADY, Antonio PELE, Mathias ROYCE, Ahmed Shaikh SALM