Vlad Gafiţa

Vlad Gafiţa – He is licensed in History and Geography and he received his Phd degree in History at “Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava. His areas of competence are History of Bukovina, Modern and Contemporary History, Political Ideologies, Political Parties and History of Totalitarian Movements in 20th Century. His studies are focused on Romanian Modern History, Bukovina’s History, Central European History and Totalitarian Movements in Romania and Europe. He is Phd Lecturer on History and Geography Faculty at “Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava. He published over 30 articles in various scientific journals and volumes; among published books we mention Iancu Flondor (1865- 1924) şi mişcarea naţională a românilor din Bucovina (Iancu Flondor (1865- 1924) and the Romanian national movement form Bukovina), Iaşi, Junimea Publishing, 2008 and co-author into the monographical volume USV – 50 de ani, Suceava 2013.

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