Stelian Onica

Stelian Onica – EDUCATION: 1970 – 1974, High school of Art „Octav Băncilă”, Iaşi ; 1974-1977, Specialization in church painting; 1977-1981, Institute of Fine Arts – Art Cluj University, formerly Conservatory of Art “G. Enescu”, Iaşi – Faculty of Fine Arts and Decorative Painting-Restoration-drawing teacher Specialization; 1985-1988, Specialization in church painting, church painting certified by the Commission of the Romanian Patriarchate; 1997, Attestation of specialization (1993-1997) in the restoration of the painting on wood, polychrome wood, conducted by the Center for Training and Staff Training in Cultural Institutions, Ministry of Culture; 1999 – Master in the restoration, conservation and management of cultural property in the University of Bologna, Italy; 1999 – Certificate in restoration of wood and cloth painting at the Institute of Art and restoration Palazzo Spinelli, Florence, Italy; 2000 – Specialist restorer – wood painting, certified by the Certification Commission for Historical Monuments in fieldMinistry of Culture; 2009-PhD in Visual Arts (Magna cum laude), at the National University of Arts and Design in ClujNapoca. ACTIVITY: 1981-1986, Creator Designs (designer) in the Enterprise “Integrate”, Paşcani; 1986-1993, Painter authorized by the Romanian Patriarchate Church (execution of mural paintings of eight churches);1993-1996, painting restorer at the Museum Complex “Moldova”, Iaşi;1996-1998, Lecturer in Cultural Heritage Department of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Al.I. Cuza”Iasi; 1998-2002, polychrome wood restoration, wood painting at National Museum Complex” Moldova”, Iaşi; 2002-2004, Lecturer at the University of Arts “G. Enescu”, Iaşi;1993-1996, 1998-2002, associate lecturer in Cultural Heritage Department of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Science; 2004-present, Lecturer in Sacred Art Department (the master Cultural Heritage) of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi; Definitive member of U.A.P.R. (Union of Artists of Romania), Department of Painting in 1990; Restorer specialist, certified MCPN, DMI – Romania, Reviewer specialist at the Center “Resurrectio”.

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