Stelian Onica – EDUCATION: 1970 – 1974, High school of Art „Octav Băncilă”, Iaşi ; 1974-1977, Specialization in church painting; 1977-1981, Institute of Fine Arts – Art Cluj University, formerly Conservatory of Art “G. Enescu”, Iaşi – Faculty of Fine Arts and Decorative Painting-Restoration-drawing teacher Specialization; 1985-1988, Specialization in church painting, church painting certified by the Commission of the Romanian Patriarchate; 1997, Attestation of specialization (1993-1997) in the restoration of the painting on wood, polychrome wood, conducted by the Center for Training and Staff Training in Cultural Institutions, Ministry of Culture; 1999 – Master in the restoration, conservation and management of cultural property in the University of Bologna, Italy; 1999 – Certificate in restoration of wood and cloth painting at the Institute of Art and restoration Palazzo Spinelli, Florence, Italy; 2000 – Specialist restorer – wood painting, certified by the Certification Commission for Historical Monuments in fieldMinistry of Culture; 2009-PhD in Visual Arts (Magna cum laude), at the National University of Arts and Design in ClujNapoca. ACTIVITY: 1981-1986, Creator Designs (designer) in the Enterprise “Integrate”, Paşcani; 1986-1993, Painter authorized by the Romanian Patriarchate Church (execution of mural paintings of eight churches);1993-1996, painting restorer at the Museum Complex “Moldova”, Iaşi;1996-1998, Lecturer in Cultural Heritage Department of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Al.I. Cuza”Iasi; 1998-2002, polychrome wood restoration, wood painting at National Museum Complex” Moldova”, Iaşi; 2002-2004, Lecturer at the University of Arts “G. Enescu”, Iaşi;1993-1996, 1998-2002, associate lecturer in Cultural Heritage Department of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Science; 2004-present, Lecturer in Sacred Art Department (the master Cultural Heritage) of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi; Definitive member of U.A.P.R. (Union of Artists of Romania), Department of Painting in 1990; Restorer specialist, certified MCPN, DMI – Romania, Reviewer specialist at the Center “Resurrectio”.
A publicat la Editura Lumen:
- Georgeta Merişor Dominte, Marina Vraciu, Bogdan Cojocea, Stelian Onica, Sacred Art, a Core Value in the Cultural-Artistic Rethinking and Visual Practice. În Camelia Ignătescu, Antonio Sandu, Tomiță Ciulei (editori), Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice. RSACVP 2017 . Editura Lumen. (Domenii de interes: Arte vizuale)
- Georgeta Merişor Dominte, Marina Vraciu, Stelian Onica, Progressing, Individualizing and Monitoring of the Students’ Learning. Tools and Methodological Benchmarks. În Camelia Ignătescu (editor), Communicative Action and Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society. CATES 2018. Editura Lumen. (Domenii de interes: Ştiinţele educației)