Larisa Delia MIHĂLCIOIU is a PhD Student at Bucharest University of Economic Studies, doctoral thesis in economic domain. Name of the doctoral thesis is “Sustainable development of agri-food trade‟‟. I have graduated Faculty of Agri-food and Environmental Economics. In this moment I work at National Institute of Statistics in Bucharest, in the Direction of Structural Statistics of the Enterprise. I have participated in numerous conferences and publishing journal articles: “The evolution of Romanian agri food trade after EU accession‟‟ to Supplement of Quality-Access to Success Journal, “Non wood forest products obtained in the Romanian forestry sector. Production potential and valuation‟‟; “Promoting Romanian agrifood products‟‟; “The relations between large retail chains and fruits and vegetables producers in Romania‟‟ in CAFEE Conferences.
A publicat la Editura Lumen:
- Diana Căprita, Raluca Necula, Larisa Mihălcioiu, Producers Responsibility in a Circular Economy. În Maria Negreponti Delivanis (editor), Global Interferences of Knowledge Society – GIKS2018. Editura Lumen. (Domenii de interes: Științe economice)
- Larisa Delia Mihălcioiu, Diana Căpriţă, Raluca Alexandra Necula, Romanian Organic Products – Vector of Sustainable Development. În Camelia Ignătescu (editor), Communicative Action and Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society. CATES 2018. Editura Lumen. (Domenii de interes: Ştiinţe economice)