Ioana Raluca Goldbach – I started my research career in 2003 while completing my B.Sc. in Law of Bucharest University and also the Faculty of Economics Valahia University of Targoviste. I am Ph. D. in Management field in 2012. I wrote articles and books in the Organizational Culture and Management field. During the master study program in Management and Public Administration within Valahia University of Targoviste I found the opportunities in research in more organizations. Starting 2006 year I followed postgraduate study program in Financial Analysis and Grant Writing at Secunda University of Napoli, Italy where I had the opportunity to work with multidisciplinary groups of international researchers.
A publicat la Editura Lumen:
Ioana Raluca Goldbach, Gabriela Soare, Aurelian Constantin Ionescu, The Role of the Manager versus the Leader in Education. În Antonio Sandu, Tomiță Ciulei (editori), Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice. RSACVP 2018. Editura Lumen. (Domenii de interes: Științele educației, Psihologia dezvoltării, Psihologie organizațională)
Ioana Raluca Goldbach, Izabela Florina Barbu, Alina Bidireanu, Human Resources Management In Education. În Antonio Sandu, Tomiță Ciulei (editori), Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice. RSACVP 2018. Editura Lumen. (Domenii de interes: Științele educației, Științe administrative)