Gabriela Soare – My research career started as early as the time when I was a student at Valahia University in Târgovişte and I studied at the Faculty of Legal, Social and Political Sciences, the study program, the Primary and Pre[1]school Education Pedagogy, the way of communication the teaching stuff in the education both primary and pre-school, for the correct acquisition of pre-school speech, with the help of didactic play. My research then diversified into other areas, namely management, which I completed in 2010 as part of the Master’s program in Organizational Management, and in 2015 we completed a research on communication in musical educational management, at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the same University of Valahia, within the Master of Music Education program. At present I am a professor in pre-university education and during my 28 years of teaching I have written articles and specialized studies which I have supported and published in various National Symposia, but also books whose author, or co-author I am.
A publicat la Editura Lumen:
Ioana Raluca Goldbach, Gabriela Soare, Aurelian Constantin Ionescu, The Role of the Manager versus the Leader in Education. În Antonio Sandu, Tomiță Ciulei (editori), Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice. RSACVP 2018. Editura Lumen. (Domenii de interes: Științele educației, Psihologia dezvoltării, Psihologie organizațională)