Crinela Dumitrescu – She is Associate Professor, M.Sc., Ph.D, at Sciences and Advanced Technologies Department, Faculty of Sciences and Arts of Valahia University Targoviste. She has a Ph.D. in the field of Chemical Engineering. Her research areas of interest are: Chemistry, Pedagogy and Education, Teacher Training, Teaching Methods, Online Learning. She published scientific articles in various journals: Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Polymer Testing, Polymer Bulletin, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research – Section B – BEAM Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Polymer Degradation and Stability.
A publicat la Editura Lumen:
- Gabriel Gorghiu, Ana Maria Aurelia Petrescu, Laura Monica Gorghiu, Crinela Dumitrescu, Students’ Perception Concerning Gender Equality as a Strong Responsible Research and Innovation Dimension. În Camelia Ignătescu, Antonio Sandu, Tomiță Ciulei (editori), Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice. RSACVP 2017 . Editura Lumen. (Domenii de interes: Sociologie, Studii de gen)
- Laura Monica Gorghiu, Ana-Maria Aurelia Petrescu, Crinela Dumitrescu, Responsible Research and Innovation in Science Teaching – Romanian Teachers’ Reflections Expressed in an On-line Course Organized on edX Environment. În Otilia Clipa (editor), Studies and current trends in science of education ICSED 2017. Editura Lumen. (Domenii de interes: Științele educației)
- Luminiţa Mihaela Drăghicescu, Ana Maria Aurelia Petrescu, Laura Monica Gorghiu, Crinela Dumitrescu, The Students’ Pedagogical Practical Stage between Problems and Solutions. În Camelia Ignătescu (editor), Communicative Action and Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society. CATES 2018. Editura Lumen. (Domenii de interes: Ştiinţele educației)