Crina Mihaela Verga

Crina Mihaela Verga – I have graduated the Law Faculty from The University Al.I.Cuza Iasi and also the master (specialisation public and private law). During 2002-2003 I attended graduate studies at the International Faculty of Comparative Law of the University “Robert Schuman” in Strasbourg (France). In October 2014 I held my thesis in public session at the Faculty of Law from the University of Bucharest. I have written and teached specialized courses for civil servants in training programs organized by the Continuing Education Center for civil servants subordinated to the County Council from Iasi and other training providers. I have participated to national and international conferences. The most relevant domains of interest are: European Union Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and Comparative Law. I have published different articles on legal matters in the journals and specialized papers such as: La participation des citoyens au gouvernement – aspects roumains, La libre circulation des personnes et de la force de travail dans l’Union Européenne, The National Soveregnity in the Context of the Integration of States in the European Union, The role of European Parliament According to the Lisbon Treaty, The Criminal Liability of a Republic’s President. I have also published three articles ISI Proceedings: Aspects Concerning the Relationships between the Head of State and the Constitutional Jurisdiction in Romania and France, Aspects of Romania’s Representation at the European Council and Aspects of state practice concerning the relationships between the President and the Government in the member states of the European Union.

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