Lupta impotriva procesului de colectivizare in judetul Galati. Revolta populara din comuna Cudalbi din ziua de 11 ianuarie 1958 – Petrica Daniel

Petrica Daniel - Lupta

Lupta impotriva procesului de colectivizare in judetul Galati. Revolta populara din comuna Cudalbi din ziua de 11 ianuarie 1958/ The Fight Against the Process of Collectivization in Gala?i County.  Popular Riot from Cudalbi on 11th January 1958 (Romanian Version)
Author: Petrica DANIEL
Lumen Publishing House
Iasi, Romania 2010
No. pg. 148

                Nowadays, after the adherence of Romania to the European Union, it is noticed a crisis of the Romanian village, marked in Brussels by the flags put next to the Romanian agriculture capacity to absorb EU funds. In other words, the Romanian peasant is not capable of viable initiatives, the key to obtaining these funds. This crisis, which may endanger the future of agriculture in light of national integration in general and competitive EU agriculture has profound causes on mental constitution of those who today are the result of the changes suffered by the Romanian village world during one of the most destructive processes, “socialist transforming agriculture “- collectivization.

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